Auburn Residents Should Know the Facts Involving Disaster Cleanup

Following any sort of ordeal, especially when it comes to disaster cleanup , your focus should be solely on keeping you and your family safe. Depending on the disaster in question, the event may not be over with. Take, for example, flooding. Just because the all-clear has been given does not mean the flood damage is just going to magically disappear. You’ll still have to contend with the contamination, terrified animals, downed power lines, and storm debris. Knowing the facts involved with disaster cleanup can keep you safe and on the right path.
General Safety Tips for Disaster Cleanup

  • Be sure to take regular breaks when cleaning any sort of property damage, especially when heavy lifting. It’s important to avoid overexertion and utilize good lifting techniques for water-logged objects, furniture, and goods.
  • When in a hot climate, make sure to drink a lot of water, use sunscreen, and take regular breaks.
  • Keep a first-aid kit readily available in the event of a cut or abrasion, as some forms of property damage can lead to serious illness, infection, or long-term disease.
  • If you’re dealing with flood damage:
  • Use a broom or long stick to check floodwaters for holes, sharp objects, or scared animals lurking in the area.
  • Create a thorough plan to contact emergency medical personnel in case of an emergency.
  • Report any hazards, such as downed power lines, gas leaks, or dangerous animals, to the correct authorities.
  • Use a generator outdoors; never indoors.
  • Keep a life vest handy when traveling near deep water of any kind.

The Hazards of Disaster CleanupA lot of people think cleaning up a bit of standing water or storm debris is a relatively straightforward job. It’s not, though. Dealing with disaster cleanup of any kind can be extremely dangerous and life-threatening at times. Here’s how and why.

  • Parasites – A lot of groundwater flooding typically contains bacteria and parasites, including Cryptosporidium parvum, which can cause a gastrointestinal infection similar in nature to dysentery.
  • Viruses – There’s nothing funny about a life-threatening virus, like Hepatitis A or Leptospirosis, which are extremely common when dealing with sewage waste, floodwater, and storm debris.
  • Bugs – If you have a compromised immune system, the bugs living in floodwater can be an absolute nightmare. Most people would visit their doctor, take prescribed medication, and be done with the problem. A compromised immune system, however, puts you at risk for long-term illness and even death.

When it comes to disaster cleanup, never attempt DIY repairs or cleaning. Doing so is a good way to put your health at risk and incur worse property damage. Instead, let a trained, certified restoration professional deal with the job the right way.
For 24-hour property restoration services, please call Restoration 1 of East Alabama.